Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Muslims Firebombed Bus in Paris Last Week; U.S. Media Dead Silent, Lest They Hurt Hillary's Campaign

Cross-posted from American Power.


Well, here's the video on Twitter, "BREAKING: Muslims Firebomb Bus in Paris yelling Allahu Akbar."

And at Gateway Pundit, "BREAKING: Muslims Firebomb Bus in Paris (VIDEO)."

But the story dates back to July 28th, which was the same day as Hillary's acceptance speech in Philadelphia.

At France Bleu, "Un bus de la RATP incendié à Saint-Denis." And Le Figaro, "Un bus incendié dans une cité de Saint-Denis."

Arutz Sheva has it thins morning, however, "Watch: French teens set bus ablaze, shout 'Allahu Akhbar' - Muslim teenagers threw a molotov cocktail at a bus in Paris, screaming "Allahu Akhbar." The bus became a conflagration."

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