Thursday, August 04, 2016

London Somali Attack Suspect Identified as 19-Year-Old Who Was 'Bullied at School...'

Cross-posted from American Power.


It took London authorities almost 24-hours before they released the suspect's name: Zakaria Bulhan.

See, at London's Daily Mail, "Somali Russell Square knifeman, 19, was 'a quiet shy pupil who was bullied at his London secondary school'..."

Also, at the Mirror U.K., "Teenage Russell Square attack suspect named after American killed and five others stabbed."

PREVIOUSLY: "'Mentally Ill Norwegian-Somalian' Somehow Creates 'Knife Bloodbath' in London's Russell Square," and "Yovel Levkowski, Beautiful Young Israeli, Stabbed by 'Norwegian-Somalian' in London Russell Square Attack."

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