Thursday, August 18, 2016


The convicted Haredi murderer Yishai Schlissel is still making some eyebrow raising headlines, as it's revealed he shredded another prisoner's pictures of his daughters because he despised how they were dressed:
Yishai Schlissel, the ultra-Orthodox Jewish man serving a life sentence for the murder of 16-year-old Shira Banki at the Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade last year, is being kept away from other inmates at the Ayalon Prison after a physical altercation with a fellow prisoner left him hospitalized.

Last month, Schlissel tore up photos of another inmate’s daughters he had hanging in his cell, saying the girls were “dressed immodestly.”

Enraged, the prisoner beat Schlissel until prison guards separated the two. Schlissel was hospitalized for unspecified injuries.

The Ayalon Prison warden placed Schlissel in solitary confinement for a number of days as a disciplinary measure.

After an evaluation by prison officials, the warden decided to give Schlissel a separate cell citing his volatile behavior.

The Israel Prisons Service confirmed the decision in a statement, saying that Schlissel’s “taunts, inappropriate behavior and damage he caused another inmate’s property” necessitated the move.
Now I don't know what the other prisoner was in jail for or how severe his own crime was, but Schlissel's act in itself was offensive and an act of hatred towards people who could otherwise be innocent. And assuming the daughters were of legal age, how fascinating that somebody who was hell-bent on slaughtering homosexuals at the parade has such a problem with pictures of ladies hung in his cell. He could be bitter at the realization he threw away his future and will never be able to lead a relationship with women again after the violent crime he committed against one. But it sure seems for now like he's become an isolationist in the worst possible way, and has rejected being part of the human race (remember, this was somebody who even refused legal counsel and doesn't recognize the state laws).

Frankly, he deserves whatever he got for violating the Commandment of Thou Shalt Not Commit Murder. No matter how distasteful homosexuality is, it's no justification for savagery like what he committed last year.

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