Saturday, July 02, 2016


This week, a reconciliation deal with Turkey was signed, for all the good it'll ever do. But if Israel's government thinks Erdogan will actually try to curb Hamas, for example, that's only buying into taqqiya.

At the end of the day, the Israel-Turkey reconciliation agreement boils down to interests -- not trust and certainly not sympathy. This deal will not usher in a new golden age in Jerusalem and Ankara's relations, but it will normalize relations with a major Middle East power.
For heaven's sake. "Normalization" is just crap. So long as Islam reigns in Turkey, it'll never truly be so.

Update: here's another op-ed explaining everything. And here's an article explaining why the Jewish Home opposed the deal: because the Hamas isn't going to return the bodies of 2 dead soldiers they murdered, and Turkey's unlikely to persuade them.

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