Friday, July 15, 2016


Following the mass murder by a Tunisian jihadist in Nice, France, the Jewish world is also expressing solidarity with the victims:
Still shocked and horrified by the senseless carnage that took place in Nice, France late Thursday evening, the Jewish world conveyed its deepest sympathies to victims of the deadly Bastille Day terror attack, which saw over 80 killed and scores injured after a 31-year-old Franco-Tunisian gunman rammed a truck into a of crowd of spectators out enjoying a fireworks display.
It's horrible to learn that children were among the murdered:
A French official on Friday said 10 children were among the 84 people killed when a gunman rammed a truck through a crowd of thousands celebrating Bastille Day on the French Riviera on Thursday evening.

The driver was shot dead by police and no one immediately claimed responsibility for the Thursday night attack on France’s national holiday, which rocked a nation still dealing with the aftermath of two attacks in Paris last year that killed a total of 147 people.

Police sources said the driver had been formally identified as a 31-year-old Franco-Tunisian man whose identity papers were found in the vehicle after the attack.

Police have not yet released the attacker’s name, but they said he lived in Nice. Other sources said previously he was already known to police for minor criminal offenses. A police source said the vehicle had been rented in the region “a few days ago.”

Christian Estrosi, the regional president in Nice, confirmed that 10 children had been killed.

Estrosi said some of the city’s 1,200 security cameras had pinpointed the moment the attacker boarded the truck, far from the beachfront “in the hills of Nice” and could follow his path to the promenade. Estrosi called for the investigation to focus on any accomplices.

“Attacks aren’t prepared alone. Attacks are prepared with accomplices,” Estrosi said. “There is a chain of complicity. I expect it to be unveiled, discovered and kept up to date.”

Estrosi said France needed to think carefully about its next response to attacks, as previous responses were not enough to protect the people.
Indeed they're going to have to take serious steps, because if not, there's bound to be more horrors like this one very soon. They're going to have to start setting martial law upon the suburban neighborhoods where many of these creatures dwell.

And Francois Hollande would do well to resign, because he's clearly unfit to manage the situation.

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