Friday, May 20, 2016


A leading bank in France has wisely disassociated itself from the BDS movement (Hat tip: The Tower):
The massive French bank Credit Mutuel shut down the account of La Campagne BDS France amid escalating criticism over the illegal practices of supporting financial transactions that target Israel for boycotts.

In a dramatic setback for a large Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement (BDS) group, BDS France removed a link on its donor webpage in May for Credit Mutuel and added a link to PayPal as a method of contribution.

Speaking from Tel Aviv on Wednesday, the Israeli journalist Jean Patrick Grumberg told The Jerusalem Post that according to his source “BDS France used illegal ways to open its account and Credit Mutuel closed it.”
It doesn't shock me if the BDS movements in France used illegal methods to run their accounts and funding. Nobody should donate their hard-earned money to the extremists through PayPal either.

1 comment:

  1. i got a better about we BDS all those homophobic countries that are anti-gay???? like saudia arabia, iran, quate, jordan, lybia, and others???
    ``or do they have special protected status because they are muslim, and allies of the anti- isrial crowd???
