Monday, May 09, 2016


While it may have been a narrow lead, Sadiq Khan was sadly elected mayor of London, and the first Muslim in that position there:
At the Lahore Karahi restaurant in south London, customers and staff celebrated Friday as it became clear the capital was to have its first Muslim mayor, shouting out in Urdu, “Sadiq Khan Zinda Baad!” (Long Live Sadiq Khan!)

A favourite haunt of the Khan family, the restaurant in the south London district of Tooting — where the 45-year-old son of a Pakistani immigrant bus driver is the local MP — buzzed with excitement.

“We are happy now but he has to fulfil the promises he made,” said waiter Shehzad Azhar, 30. “The housing crisis and the transportation come first.”

“He will do good things,” added fellow employee Malik Ahmed, 32.

Khan’s victory came after a straight fight with his conservative opponent, ecologist Zac Goldsmith, son of the late tycoon financier James Goldsmith and a scion of one of Britain’s wealthiest families.
You can be quite sure he'll do bad things. VERY bad things. As I may have said before, it's clear more than just Muslims voted for Khan, and that's bad news. Now, he's bound to enable more sharia enclaves to build up in London, and certainly he's bound to exploit the city treasury for all sorts of shady activity. Another bad omen for Britain.

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