Friday, April 01, 2016


A new study has found that the Associated Press collaborated with the Nazis during WW2:
The head of Israel’s primary Holocaust survivors advocacy association blasted the Associated Press on Wednesday over reports that the wire service collaborated with Nazi Germany’s propaganda apparatus from 1933 until the US entered the Second World War in December 1941, at which point all Americans left Germany and AP closed its Berlin bureau.

“The evidence that an American news agency fully cooperated with Nazi Germany – in order to be able to report from there – effectively serving the Nazi propaganda machine, is devastating and reprehensible,” Colette Avital, chairwoman of the Center of Organizations of Holocaust Survivors in Israel, told The Jerusalem Post.

“This explains the flow of slanted and partial information printed in the American news media during the war,” the former diplomat and legislator said, calling the AP’s current reporting into question.

“If AP was willing to ‘pay the price’ then, one can justifiably wonder at the accuracy and objectivity of its reporting in subsequent years.”

The Guardian on Wednesday cited archival material unearthed by a German historian who asserted that the wire service had provided US newspapers with news items produced and culled by the Nazi propaganda ministry.

AP was the only Western news agency allowed to operate in Germany during Adolf Hitler’s era. The agency continued its operations in Germany until the US entered the war following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

Harriet Scharnberg, a historian at Halle-Wittenberg’s Martin Luther University, explained in an article published in the academic journal Studies in Contemporary History, that AP was allowed to continue operating in Germany while other agencies were forced to close because it agreed to cooperate with the Nazi regime.
Almost like Henry Ford was one automaker whom the Nazi regime accepted because of his bigoted background. Now we can understand how any pro-Islam bias the agency has today comes about. A most truly reprehensible news business they are indeed.

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