Thursday, April 28, 2016


The info provided here gives a good idea why the cowardice:
The Or Thora synagogue on Rue Saint-Dominique in Marseille, established in 1962, has been purchased by the Al Badr organization, which runs a small mosque on the same street, The Local reported. The sale is under review by the city council and it is expected that the new mosque will open for business in a few months.

Zvi Ammar, President of the Marseille Israelite Consistory, said the move was positive. "For the past 20 years or so we have seen the shift of the Jewish community to other neighborhoods," he said, adding, "We all have the same God, the main thing is for this to proceed in harmony."

In January, Ammar said that the Jews of Marseille should avoid wearing their yarmulkes on the street. So much for harmony.
Why did he have to sell to a mosque, but not to say, a business management or a warehouse ownership? That man is clearly a coward with no spine. And do Judaists and Muslims really have the same God? The conduct of the latter suggests otherwise. Ammar's sellout is a disgrace and should be looked upon the same way by the people who shouldn't be associating themselves with him.

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