Friday, April 22, 2016


It looks like Obama has once again failed to call the Armenian tragedy of WW1 what it is:
For the eighth and final time, President Obama this year will break his unambiguous 2008 campaign promise to declare that the mass killings of Armenians at the hands of Ottoman Turks in 1915 and 1916 amounted to “genocide,” a leading Armenian-American activist told Yahoo News on Thursday.

According to the U.S. Holocaust Museum, at least 664,000 and perhaps as many as 1.2 million Armenians “died in massacres, in individual killings, or as a consequence of systematic ill-treatment, exposure, starvation and disease.”

But officially designating the Ottoman Turks’ actions as “genocide” would have deeply angered Turkey, a NATO ally and a pivotal player in the coalition Obama has assembled to wage war on the Islamic State in neighboring Syria. Turkish governments have sharply disputed the figures of Armenian dead and categorically rejected the “genocide” label.

Aram Hamparian, executive director of the Armenian National Committee of America, told Yahoo News shortly after a briefing from Obama aides at the White House that the president would once again stop short of using the term “genocide” in his annual statement about the tragedy.
One of Hot Air's writers also notes:
This seems to be part of a pattern of late. Earlier this week I looked at the decisions being made in the White House over Saudi Arabia and their potential ties to terrorism. The President has found strange bedfellows when it comes to Saudi Arabia and they are clearly walking on eggshells in the interest of going along to get along. It seems awfully convenient to whitewash some of the sins of the Saudi royal family in the interest of maintaining a good working relationship with an ally in the war on terror. (Not to mention one which sits on an ocean of oil.)
So Obama's kowtowing looks like it's going to remain till the bitter end of his tenure. Just another example of how he's basically failed in many ways.

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