Thursday, February 25, 2016


Some justice has been served as two houses belonging to jihadists were leveled:
The West Bank home of Raid Khalil bin Mahmoud, 36, who murdered two Israelis and moderately wounded a third during a rampage in a southern Tel Aviv office building on November 19, was destroyed in the first operation of the evening.

Afterwards, the home of Muhammad al-Haroub, who killed three, including 18-year-old American student Ezra Schwartz, and wounded seven others, in a shooting attack in Gush Etzion, also on November 19, was torn down.

Also early Tuesday, security forces arrested 19 Palestinian suspects in West Bank raids, including seven who are suspected of taking part in disturbances and unorganized terrorism, the IDF said.
Everything right down to the very concrete floor foundation should be obliterated. And family members who refused to report/prevent their actions should be charged for failing to do so.

1 comment:

  1. Also early Tuesday, security forces arrested 19 Palestinian suspects in West Bank raids, including seven who are suspected of taking part in disturbances and unorganized terrorism, the IDF said.

    8th class result 2016
