Friday, February 19, 2016


The owner of the restaurant that was attacked by an Islamofascist says he won't be cowed by jihadists, and the guy, who's pro-Israel, had the following to say:
In an interview with the Tower magazine, a publication that reports on Israel and the Middle East, Baransi said he would not cower in the face of Islamic terrorism.

When asked whether he would consider removing the Israeli flag seen from his restaurant’s entryway as a precaution, Baransi did not hesitate to give an unequivocal answer.

“Actually I have another flag, and I am going to get a bigger flag, and I am going to get a Star of David necklace and put it on my chest, and I am going to get a tattoo,” said Baransi, a devout Catholic. “Honest to God, I am not kidding. They don’t scare me. We are Israelis. We are Israelis. We are resilient, we fight back.

“We are used to these bastards,” he added. “We are used to these kinds of attacks, that they hate us just for what we are. They don’t know us, they don’t know anything about us, and they do that. You know, I don’t care if I was an Arab or not, because I am an Israeli, and if you don’t like Israelis you don’t like me.”
He's got the right response, and I wish him well and safety continuing his business in running the restaurant.

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