Friday, February 26, 2016


Five Chinese women with Jewish ancestry of the Kaifeng community are coming to live in Israel:
In the first Aliyah from the ancient Chinese Jewish community of Kaifeng in the last seven years, five women from the community are scheduled to arrive in Israel next Monday, returning to the Jewish homeland after thousands of years of exile.

The women, Gao Yichen (“Weiwei”), Yue Ting, Li Jing, Li Yuan, and Li Chengjin (“Lulu”), have been intensively studying Hebrew and Judaism for the last several years in Kaifeng to reconnect to their Jewish roots, and are now being brought back home by the Jerusalem-based nonprofit Shavei Israel.

[...] "Kaifeng’s Jewish descendants are a living link between China and the Jewish people," said Freund, who after several years of struggling with Israeli bureaucracy managed to obtain the required permission to bring the five Chinese Jews on Aliyah.
I think it's great to have descendants from communities like theirs here. This is very impressive news.

1 comment:

  1. According to Shavei Israel, it was the first time in seven years that members of the Kaifeng community were able to immigrate to Israel.

    5th class result 2016
