Saturday, January 09, 2016


The jihadist who murdered at least two people in Tel Aviv earlier this week has been tracked to his own town, where he was killed in a gun fight with authorities:
Shin Bet domestic intelligence agents together with the Border Police's Counter-Terrorism Unit officers shot and killed terrorist Nashat Milhem in his hometown of Arara in northern Israel on Friday, after he tried to fire on them, thus ending a days-long pursuit of the terrorist behind three murders in Tel Aviv.

Milhem was found in a hideout and discovered after the Shin Bet received information on his location on Friday, following an intensive Shin Bet - Israel Police investigation that included many undercover and overt operations to track him down.

The Arab-Israeli terrorist had been on the run since January 1, when he opened fire at Israelis sitting at the Simta bar in Tel Aviv, murdering Alon Bakal and Shimon Roimi, and later, shooting dead cab driver Amin Sha'aban near the Mandarin hotel in north Tel Aviv during his getaway.

According to security forces, Milhem identified the Shin Bet agents and the Counter-Terrorism unit officers as they approached a structure he used as a hideout.

He tried to escape, and then opened fire at security forces using the Spectre M4 Falcon sub-machine gun in his possession, which he also used to murder his victims in Tel Aviv the previous week, the Shin Bet stated.

Agents and special forces "returned fire and killed" the suspect, the Shin Bet said. "There were no injuries among our forces."

Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon, commenting on the counter-terrorism raid, said that it "proved once again that the State of Israel will pursue until the end those who seek its harm, anywhere, within the country, along its borders, and far from them, and it will place its hands on them. This is our commitment to the security of Israeli citizens."
The murderer can now go and boil away in hell for his violent Islamofascist crimes.

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