Sunday, January 17, 2016


The latest jihad attack took place in the African city of Burkina Faso. At least 2 women were among the monsters too:
At least 23 people were killed and at least 126 others were held hostage for hours by al Qaeda-linked militants — including two female jihadis — in the Burkina Faso capital, officials said Saturday.

The fiery attack took place on a tourist hotel and nearby restaurant. Gunfire could still be heard around the Hotel Splendid in the capital, Ouagadougou, as local forces backed by French gendarmes battled to take back the building early Saturday.

AFRICOM spokesperson Major Nathan Broshear said U.S. military personnel also worked alongside the Burkina Faso and French forces in the operation to recover the hostages. Broshear wouldn't share many details but said a small number of U.S. forces directly assisted in the hotel, and were focused on rescuing the civilians, not engaging the assailants.

The State Department told NBC News it was trying to establish whether any Americans were victimized in the assault, which began late Friday when attackers fired into the Cafe Cappuccino restaurant.

Four extremists were killed, one of whom was eventually found at another nearby hotel, security minister Simon Compaore told reporters.

The 126 hostages were freed after the morning call to prayer echoed across the city.

"We had just placed our meal orders in Cafe Cappuccino and around fifteen minutes later we heard gunshots," a French survivor told The Associated Press.

"They started to shoot at everyone. We dropped to the ground and as soon as anyone raised their heads they fired at them immediately. We had to play dead. They shook people by the foot to see if they were alive or not, and, if they were alive, they shot them."
Jihadism is everywhere now, and al Qaeda, tragically, is still active. The world's become a very dangerous place, even in Africa.

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