Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Who did senator Cory Booker invite to a State of the Union address? A Muslim Brotherhood apologist (Hat tip: Accuracy in Media):
Sen. Cory Booker’s (D., N.J.) guest of honor at tonight’s State of the Union address is an Islamic-American community leader who has publicly lashed out at Israel and once defended the Muslim Brotherhood organization as “misunderstood,” according to various reports.

Booker has invited as his guest to the annual speech Ahmed Shedeed, president of the Islamic Center of Jersey City, a community center tied to the 1993 World Trade Center bombings.

While Booker and others have long touted Shedeed as a moderate Muslim voice, the leader has gone on record in the past criticizing Israel and defending the Muslim Brotherhood, according to reports.
And that's not all:
Meanwhile, before Shedeed became president of the Islamic Center of Jersey City, the institution gained a controversial reputation.

Prior to Shedeed becoming president of the Islamic Center of Jersey City, one of the alleged bombers of the World Trade Center in 1993 was reported to have had his bank statements mailed to the Islamic Center, according to a 1993 Newsday report on the money trail that federal prosecutors were following as part of their investigation into the terror attack.
So they were associating themselves with a terrorist involved in the first attack on the WTC? That makes Shedeed a lot worse than previously thought. Booker should be ashamed of himself for having anything to do with such an awful man.

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