Thursday, January 21, 2016


Right on cue, the pro-PLO movement in Britain has come out to curse at somebody from Israel, no matter his own political standings:
Pro-Palestinian protesters became violent, smashing a window and setting off fire alarms, during a speech by legislator and former Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) head Ami Ayalon in London on Tuesday evening.

Police were called to rein in the budding riot at King’s College, during which one of the evening’s organizers claimed to have been assaulted, according to local media reports.

“Violent protesters set off multiple fire alarms to interrupt the talk. They also banged on windows, threw chairs and screamed to the top of their voices,” event co-organizer David Tamman posted on Facebook.

“Attendees inside felt the walls and windows shake as they were struggling to hear the talk, looking genuinely scared for their security,” he continued.

“Indeed they had reason to. It got violent as a few managed to push their way into the building, brake a glass window and physically assault a friend of mine. his came along with a tirade of verbal abuse inches from the faces of many jewish students. It got to a stage where the police felt the need to call in around 15 police officers and two vans. 2 female friends of mine cried from the fear and abuse and I stood there staring at a poster on the door declaring Kings College London to be a 'safe space' and thought - what a lie. The truth is, universities across the UK are not safe spaces (if you happen to be a Zionist Jew).”

“Ironically, Ayalon was talking in front of a white board describing the rules for ‘safe spaces’ at universities. But there is no ‘safe space’ for an Israeli-Jew at British universities,” agreed attendee Richard Millett in a post on the website of UK Media Watch.

“As soon as the doors shut the frustrated anti-Israel activists pounded the doors and the windows looking into the talk. They screamed ‘Free Free Palestine,’ ‘Viva Viva Palestina’ and ‘From the River to the Sea Palestine will be free’ and smashed a window.”

“There can be no justification for the events last night at KCL. The KCLSU Israel society were hosting an event about peace and were greeted by violence and intimidation,” the Union of Jewish Students said in a statement.
Britain is no longer the country that conceived the Magna Carta. If they were, they wouldn't be allowing all these tyrants to run wild.

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