Tuesday, November 03, 2015


A Muslim convert in the UK who'd participated in a sharia enforcement gang says he's sorry, but based on his claim here, it's highly doubtful:
Member of the ‘Muslim patrol’ Jordan Horner targeted couples holding hands, people drinking alcohol, and women who the group deemed to be dressed "inappropriately".

His behaviour escalated and in December 2013 he was jailed for 17 months for the first case of Muslim sectarian violence in Britain to come before the courts.

Now on licence from prison, the 21-year-old said he has reformed.

"I apologise to the individuals that I did harass and attack,” he told Sky News.

“Somebody who makes mistakes never recognises they're making a mistake until they analyse what they've done after they've done it.

"Now I've moved away from that and I've studied my faith correctly and I understand that these are the type of actions that are completely incorrect."
Nope, he doesn't understand. If he's studied the Koran and embraces it, then he did originally study his faith correctly. He just doesn't want to be honest. Don't be surprised if he bounces back to this awful behavior in the forseeable future.

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