Thursday, October 01, 2015


Michelle Malkin says phony diplomats from Muslim countries are allowed to get away with their crimes in the USA:
The latest case of WMET privilege involves a well-connected Saudi prince arrested on Wednesday after allegedly sexually assaulting a woman at his $40 million Beverly Hills rental mansion. Witnesses reported seeing a bloodied woman screaming for help as she scrambled over an 8-foot wall surrounding the property. LAPD officers charged 28-year-old Majed Abdulaziz al-Saud with sodomy, battery and false imprisonment.

Celebrate diversity!

(No word, by the way, on whether or how this accused brute is related to Saudi princess Buniah al-Saud, who pleaded no contest in 2002 to charges of beating her Indonesian maid in Florida. She was fined a measly $1,000 and let loose.)

So, where is al-Saud now? Long gone, no doubt. His royal benefactors forked over $300,000 to bail out the privileged jetsetter. Neighbors say the estate has been evacuated. Al-Saud has an October 19 court date.

But don’t expect him to show any more respect for our laws than another fellow wealthy Middle Eastern thug who has recently gone on the lam. Sheikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Thani of Qatar, owner of a Ferrari caught racing illegally through another Beverly Hills enclave, is nowhere to be found. A driver believed to be either Al Thani or one of his drag-racing opponents bragged to a witness that he had diplomatic immunity and could get away with murder, and then spat “F**k America” before disappearing.

Meanwhile, three other women have stepped forward to file a civil complaint against al-Saud alleging “extreme,” “outrageous” and “despicable” behavior by the prince at the sprawling compound. The workers say they were “deprived of their freedom of movement by use of physical barriers, force, threats of force, menace, fraud, deceit and unreasonable duress.”
This abuse isn't surprising, yet it's clear more perverts like these will be allowed into the USA no matter how badly their predecessors broke local laws. For now, no woman should associate herself with men so sick they could end up abusing them, no matter how much wealth they're offered, which likely won't be given to them anyway.

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