Friday, October 02, 2015


And it's leading to a growing exodus, again:
The current influx of refugees into Europe could be mirrored by a mass exodus of Jews, faith leaders have warned as new figures revealed a rise in anti-Semitic incidents over the past year.

European Jewish Congress President Dr Moshe Kantor told a conference in Brussels: “If hundreds of thousands of Jews leave the EU, which is becoming a very strong possibility, then it too will be judged a failure,” he said. “Over the past few years, tens of thousands of Jews have left to seek a safer home elsewhere, and today, one-third of Europe’s nearly 2.5 million Jews are considering emigration.”

He was echoed by American Jewish Committee director Daniel Schwammenthal, who said the rise of anti-Jewish incidents was, “not only a threat to Jews but an assault on Europe’s core values”.
So how on earth is anyone to convince the EU to cease allowing all these Muslim savages into Europe, or better yet, convince European governments to quit the EU as a way of regaining some self-sovereignty?

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