Friday, October 30, 2015


Obama's faustian pact has certainly yielded results: now, the Iranian dictatorship is arresting people with US citizenship, and the latest is a businessman (via The Jawa Report):
Iran has arrested another American holding dual citizenship, bringing to four the number of Iranian Americans imprisoned in Tehran after they came under suspicion by hard-line security forces.

Siamak Namazi, a businessman based in Dubai who is in his early 40s, was arrested earlier this month when he was visiting a friend in Tehran, according to a family friend who did not want to be identified. It is not clear whether any charges have been brought against him or what authorities might allege he did.
They may have accused him of spying, without any proof, of course. Yet it's clear his US citizenship is what they're arresting him for now, because that alone to them is a crime. Having US citizenship in the view of the Islamofascists of Iran represents recognition of a democratic country's beliefs, and they despise that.

But will Obama's government come out in the guy's defense? Probably not.

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