Sunday, October 18, 2015


More jihad knifings took place, and there'd been a third one earlier:
Shortly after Hebron saw its third stabbing attack, Jerusalem Police said Saturday night that a terrorist at the Kalandiya checkpoint pulled a knife and tried to stab a police officer at the crossing, but was unable to penetrate the officer’s bulletproof vest.

Officers at the scene then opened fire on the attacker, hitting him in the lower body.

A bomb squad officer then approached the wounded attacker, who pulled out another knife and tried to stab the officer.

A Border Police officer then opened fire, hitting the attacker, who was subdued. Police said the Palestinian assailant was identified as a 24-year-old resident of Kalandiya.

Palestinian assailants have carried out five attempted stabbings against Israelis on Saturday. In addition to the latest attack at Kalandia, three stabbings occurred in the West Bank city of Hebron and one attack was carried out in Jerusalem.
Mahmoud Abbas started this whole mess, and it's clear by now that he's not sorry it can't cease in such a hurry.

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