Monday, October 26, 2015


Still more terrorist attacks involving knives took place today. The first had no injuries, but the second one did:
A female Palestinian terrorist attempted to stab Israeli security forces in Hebron on Sunday and was shot dead.

The terrorist was reportedly waiting to enter the Cave of the Patriarchs and had to pass a security checkpoint. She was acting suspicious, and security personnel asked her for her identification card. In response, she drew a knife and approached them while shouting. The soldiers called on her to stop, and when she refused to do so, shot her dead.

No Israelis were harmed in the incident.

Earlier on in the day, an Israeli civilian was moderately injured in a stabbing attack in Gush Etzion.

Palestinians attacked the man’s car with rocks, and when he stopped and exited his car, he was stabbed by one of them.

The victim, 58, was taken to Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem for treatment with stab wounds in his upper body, and a head injury as a result of the rock throwing.

The terrorists, reportedly disguised in Jewish Ultra-Orthodox garb, fled the scene. Security forces launched a manhunt for the terrorists.
Jihadists diguising themselves with Haredi suits may not be new. But it's certainly dangerous.

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