Wednesday, September 16, 2015


There was a terrible spate of Islamofascist violence this week, and it cost the life of a driver:
“Jerusalem Intifada” was how some in the Israeli media portrayed the violence that engulfed much of the Israeli capital over the two-day Rosh Hashanah holiday at the start of this week.

Across large portions of the city, Arab stone-throwers pelted Jewish motorists, leading to the death of Alexander Levlovitz, 64, who lost control of his vehicle in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood after a rock slammed through his windshield.

Most of the violence was concentrated on the Temple Mount, where Muslim rioters repeatedly hurled firecrackers, stones and firebombs at the one entrance through which non-Muslims can access the holy site.

During the High Holy Days beginning with Rosh Hashanah, many Jews like to visit the Temple Mount, as this was a biblical time of pilgrimage to the ancient place of worship.

But Muslim authorities insist the Jews are trying to “Judaize” the Temple Mount, and deny any connection between the Jewish people and Jerusalem. Such attacks, therefore, are sadly routine.

[...] Notably, there was very little response from the international community until the Israeli police started responding to the life-threatening violence by using tear gas and shutting the Muslims inside their mosques.
I'm sure none of them had any condemnations to raise about the murder of an innocent man while driving. This has practically become the norm in Armon HaNatsiv for quite a while now. The government has only now been discussing harsher punishments needed for stone throwers, and if they truly mean it, they'll ensure such laws get passed very quickly.

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