Friday, September 04, 2015


The world of Islam is devolving into hell on earth... Iran about to go nuclear, ISIS increasing its brutality daily, and war and terror stretching within the islamic world from east Africa to southeast Asia

Europe is buckling under social and economic strain...

China's bubble economy about to burst and drag us all down with it....

The USA under Obama is becoming a second rate military power and a banana republic without the rule of law... drowning under unsustainable debt and an economy that can't employ 1/3 of its people...

Russia is lashing out at its neighbors in a desperate attempt to grow their economic pie, but with global energy aplenty - and cheap, Russia's prospects suck, too, because they really don't manufacture a damn thing anyone wants to buy except military hardware and vodka....

Turkey is getting ready for a national civil war as Erdogan and the AKP desperately try to hold onto power as their young people and their Kurds revolt - and they are flooded with refugees,..

Iran is about to get a nuke one way or another, by building it or buying it, but all this really does is bring the whole damn world closer to total annihilation...

Meanwhile India wallows around unable to develop its people or economy as China did and wary of Pakistan - whose nukes might easily fall under the control of islamists....

Meanwhile in northeast Asia, Japan has reached the demographic point of no return, and South Korea and North Korea edge ever closer to war...


I think only a few things that are on the near-term horizon:

1 - THE ADVENT OF COMMERCIAL FUSION ENERGY - which will provide clean cheap sustainable energy to all humanity and moot the anthropogenic climate change hysteria which has retarded economic growth and squelched improvements to QOL and life-spans for 1/3 of humanity.

2 - CURING CANCER AND MOST DISEASES, and greatly lengthening youthful lifespans. This will decrease most people's desire to use violence, terror and war, but make threats of same a more powerful weapon for a minority - a minority which might finally be eradicated since they threaten much more in a world in which people might live to be 150.


I think these three innovations could become a part of everday reality within the next ten years.

I'm just not sure that Weatern Civilization will last that long. 

In the next ten years, Iran, ISIS, China, North Korea, Pakistan, and Putin might ignite a global nuclear war.

Meanwhile, the attack on our civilizations foundations from within by Gramscian postmodern leftists threatens to destroy us from within.

And then there's the possibility of total, global economic collapse.

It seems to me that these three grave threats - (the hegemonistic mania of the totalitarian states and islamism which bring war and terror and destruction, and the socialistic utopian mania of so-called progressives who bring us economic and moral bankruptcy, libertinage, anarchy and decadence) - might easily lead humanity to total collapse within the next ten years.

As Yeats wrote right after the first global war:


    Turning and turning in the widening gyre
    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity.

    Surely some revelation is at hand;
    Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
    The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
    When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
    Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
    A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
    A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
    Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
    Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.

    The darkness drops again but now I know
    That twenty centuries of stony sleep
    Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
    And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
    Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

The great pity is that our end will be of our own making.

We have the capacity to stop it, but the current crop of world leaders in the Free World, the Western World, do not have the will.

If I had to lay odds, I'd say the end comes before we make fusion and eternal youth - and a great new age of prosperity and creativity - a reality.

And what happens after the collapse?

The future after the seemingly unavoidable impending cataclysm depends on if a remnant survives, and who that remnant is.

It might very well be Iran. Or North Korea.

Imagine a whole world that looks like either of them.

I really believe the next president may very well be our last. And certainly be the last of this Age.

If we choose poorly and elect someone who carries obamunism forward, then we will surely be choosing our own end.


Vote accordingly.

Vote as if the future of humanity depended on it.

And the future of your own soul, too...


  1. IMO, before Obama leaves office, he will swing the United States' doors open wide to take in hordes of these migrants, many of whom are young Muslim males.

  2. I have no doubt he will do more and more evil things the closer we get to 2017.
    If a dem is elected in w016, then the iaf will preemptively attack iran right after inauguration. If a gop w balls is elected, then the iaf will wait and see....

    But iran might act preemptively before the inauguraation and while they have a pal i the oval office.

    In the meantime, obama will continue to act like a chavezista tyrant and do as much damage er um i mean transforming as possible.

  3. Amazing that more than half of our nation still thinks nothing is wrong.

  4. Not so. Bernie popularity proves 3/4 know it sux. But half think the answer is more leftism.
