Saturday, September 19, 2015


Or, put another way, you could say he's a Haredhimmi:
The ultra-Orthodox chairman of the Knesset’s Finance Committee, Moshe Gafni (United Torah Judaism) on Thursday sharply criticized Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home), calling him “a real damage” for having visited Temple Mount this week.

Speaking at a session of the committee held in Kfar Hamakabiyah, in central Israel, Gafni said “I protest his going up to the Temple Mount. He should start tending to the issues of his ministry instead of going to the Temple Mount.”

“With such an agriculture minister I feel I’m in the Diaspora. [He’s] totally redundant. A real damage,” Gafni said.
I think Gafni himself is redundant, and has been for a long time. He clearly sees Jews as the problem, and not Islamofascism. This is classic victim blaming in motion.
According to ultra-Orthodox news website Kikar Hashabat, Jewish Home officials said in response that Gafni “should do what he does best, that is being a schnorrer.” The term, which means scrounger, was an apparent reference to the assertion that many in the ultra-Orthodox community do not do national service and are heavily supported by state benefits.
Gafni is a disgrace, representing the kind who won't serve in the military or show any appreciation to the men and women working hard for his security. He does not belong in the Knesset. IMO, he disrespects the Temple Mount, and clearly sees nothing wrong with having Islamofascists up there who're doing everything they can to destroy the Jewish heritage there.

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