Friday, September 25, 2015


Iran's dictators have once again, as expected, made clear they will not obey any part of the faustian deals:
Iran openly declares it will violate the UNSC resolution regarding the nuclear deal and will progress with its weapons build-up and development program.

Iran’s three leaders – President Hassan Rouhani, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Deputy Foreign Minister and senior negotiator Abbas Araghchi – have open declared that Iran has no intention of abiding by UN Security Council resolution 2231, which endorses the nuclear deal and restrictions on Tehran’s missiles and weapons acquisition. Rather, they say they will abide only by the original nuclear deal.

According to a report by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Iran said that it separates the deal regarding its nuclear program from the UNSC resolution. Passed on July 25, the resolution endorses the deal and also includes prohibitions on Iran’s development of advanced ballistic missiles and its purchasing of other types of arms.
And yet the UN and the US administration fully consider this a regime to do any business with. It's already clear this is going to result in pure disaster.

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