Tuesday, August 18, 2015


BDS takes hold at a music convention in Spain, where the organizers forced politics into the proceedings:
A music festival in Spain has canceled the performance of American Jewish reggae star Matisyahu following intense pressure from the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, Spanish daily El Pais reported Sunday.

According to the report, Rototom Sunsplash Reggae Festival's organizers issued the singer an ultimatum demanding he release a statement of "clear support for the Palestinians right to a state" or face the consequences. Matisyahu refused, and his Aug. 22 concert was promptly canceled.

A statement posted on the festival's Facebook page said Rototom's move was linked its "social platform" and its "sensitivity to Palestine, its people and the occupation of its territory by Israel."

According to El Pais, other artists participating in the festival said they would cancel their performances if Matisyahu was allowed to take the stage as he "represents Israel."

The BDS movement welcomed the decision, saying Matisyahu is "a Zionist who supports the practice of apartheid."

Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress denounced the decision, calling it "a clear instance of anti-Semitism and nothing else."
It's a festival I wouldn't want to attend, and the musicians who shunned the guy prove they're not worth listening to, or buying their music albums. This is one convention that's tainted with inappropriate political overtones.

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