Sunday, August 30, 2015


Paul - who will hold the isolationistic libertarian slice of the GOP electorate - will continue to perform poorly, but persist like his ol man.

Fiorina will steadily continue impress and capture a slice of the electorate that wants an outsider, a woman, and a consistent conservative.

Kasich will become the chosen candidate of the establishment and get the backing of Bush and Christie and Perry and Rubio.

Cruz will get the backing of Jindal, Santorum, and Carson, Huckabee, Walker and Trump.

Trump will become tiring and his liberal views and his propensity to shoot wildly from the hip will turn more people off as we get deeper into the process. He won't have a deer in the headlights moment, but his ignorance of the issues will begin to trump his gutsy intuitive and overly general opinions.

Trump is a combination of Silvio Burlusconi and Beppe Grillo. And as such has a ceiling above which he cannot climb. As others drop out, the remaining candidates begin to approach that ceiling and Trump no longer seems like an unstoppable force.

After losing a few primaries, Trump the egomaniac will come up with a reason for dropping out to support Cruz.

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