Sunday, July 19, 2015


If that's what the editor of the paper is saying in this report, that's very bad:
The editor of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has said the magazine will no longer draw cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in an interview with a German magazine.

Laurent Sourisseau told Hamburg-based news magazine, Stern, that the magazine had done its job and what it had set out to fulfil.

The weekly magazine's editor, who is known as Riss, said: "We have drawn Mohammad to defend the principle that one can draw whatever they want. It is a bit strange though: we are expected to exercise a freedom of expression that no one dares to.

"We've done our job. We have defended the right to caricature."

He told the German magazine he did not want to believe the magazine was possessed by Islam but maintained that he believed that they had "the right to criticise all religions".
But will they continue in any form to criticize Islam? If not, then that's caving. They shouldn't have even said anything; that only makes it worse. This is not good news, and doesn't help the fight against Islamofascism.

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