Monday, July 20, 2015


Rick Kupke, who was once a political prisoner in Iran, has rightfully slammed the deal currently made with the dictatorship in Iran:
Well over 30 years after he was set free from being held hostage for 444 days by his Middle Eastern captors, Texan Rick Kupke is still saying the Iranian regime cannot be trusted.

In an interview with Texas’s Star Telegram, Kupke—who was the last of 52 American hostages to surrender to the Iranians back in 1979—slammed the nuclear deal which was recently agreed upon between Iran and the P5+1.

[...] “This is probably the worst agreement of this kind I’ve seen in my lifetime,” Kupke told the Telegram. “I don’t know why they think the Iranians are going to abide by any agreement. They never have,” he said, evoking history. He continued, “I think it’s going to trigger a nuclear arms race… because everyone in the area is going to want to stay even with the Iranians as they violate the agreement.”
No doubt, plenty of other Muslim regimes already do have nuclear research going on that we probably haven't heard about yet. It could even be going on in the smaller lands like Qatar and Brunei. And it's bound to end up being a serious horror.

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