Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Federal Judge: Obama Officials Must Stand Before Him Personally To Answer Question of Why They Should Not Be Held in Contempt Over Violation of Amnesty Injunction

From Ace of Spades:
If you remember, this judge had asked the Obama Administration if he needed to authorize an earlier injunction, in order to keep the Administration from going forward with their Amnesty plans while he considered the issue. 
They said: No judge, you have plenty of time. No need for a temporary injunction. 
Then, during this period of the judge considering the case, Obama began issuing green cards to people under his amnesty program. 
The judge was justifiably angry. He had been lied to and tricked by the Obama Administration. 
And then Obama's gangsters got even more brazen. Once the judge issued his injunction, they decided they'd issue even more green cards. 
Now he wants these bastards to stand before him, in person, and explain why they should not be held in contempt.

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