Sunday, July 12, 2015


An expert warns that Israelis shouldn't put too much faith in Congress to prevent an awful deal between Obama's administration and the Iranian autocracy:
The Iran deal, if and when it comes, may be a “hard sell” in the U.S. Congress, but Israelis should not put too much hope in the possibility of the deal not being approved at the end of the day, a top security official told Arutz Sheva Sunday.

The official was responding to comments made by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in an interview with Fox News on Sunday that the deal would be a “hard sell” in Congress. “It’s going to be a very hard sell, if it’s completed, in Congress,” McConnell told Fox News. “He can win on Iran and this deal with holding 34 Democrats because that’s the way the approval process is structured.”

[...] Speaking on Fox News, McConnell said that “I know there will be a strong pull not to go against the president on something as important as this is to him, but I hope there will be enough Democrats willing to look at this objectively.”

Eventually, the Israeli official said, it was likely that President Obama would get his way and the deal would be approved. “There is no question that Congress sees this deal in a different light than the White House does. The question is what will happen when the voting takes place. Senators can expect a great deal of pressure to be placed on them.
Yeah, and the worst part is if they're too cowardly to withstand it. That's why it'll take more than just hoping on the sidelines they'll oppose a faustian pact without communications between Congress and Israeli diplomats. People who oppose a horrific deal with Iran should speak up.

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