Friday, July 03, 2015


The latest in Israel includes one where an IDF official was attacked by a rock thrower and had to shoot the enemy down:
In response to being pelted with stones, a brigade commander in the IDF's Judea and Samaria Division shot and killed a Palestinian on Friday morning, the IDF confirmed.

Palestinian rioters began throwing stones at Col. Israel Shomer's vehicle and in response, after firing warning shots he opened fire and killed one of them. The victim was identified as a seventeen-year-old named Muhammad al-Casba.

The incident took place near the West Bank village of Al-Ram which is north-east of Jerusalem, at a time of heightened security in the West Bank following a spate of terrorist attacks against Israeli targets. The commander was on his way to the Kalandiya checkpoint in between Jerusalem and Ramallah when his vehicle was attacked.

There were no injuries among the IDF personnel but a photo of the scene showed an IDF vehicle with a smashed windshield.

"The commander reacted exactly as expected given that the incident presented an immediate risk to life," an IDF source said on Friday.

The source described the attack on the commander's vehicle as an ambush that was planned.

Large forces were sent to the area following the shooting as the IDF assessed that disturbances to public order would come in its wake.
Because of these recent incidents, that's another reason why the public would like a cease in leniency on Islamists who're potentially dangerous. Sooner or later, that's what'll have to be done.

Update: more on the topic at United With Israel.

Update 2: Naftali Bennett also reminds that there are cases where stone-throwing can kill people:
"Stones kill, just ask Adele Biton," Bennett added, referring to the toddler who was seriously injured in a stone-throwing terror attack in the West Bank in 2013.

Biton died of pneumonia in February, and at the time her mother claimed that the severity of the illness was a direct result of the wounds she suffered in the terrorist attack.

Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid also expressed his support for the IDF commander.

"Stones kill, and IDF soldiers need to be able to defend themselves and know that their political leaders will back them up completely," Lapid said at a conference in Kfar Saba.
Stones can kill people no matter the size and weight.

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