Tuesday, July 14, 2015


And according to the UK Mail (via The Jawa Report), this man who went to Rome tried to knife a woman to death while yelling a typical form of blather by jihadists:
A tourist was forced to her knees at knifepoint at Rome's Colosseum in a terrifying attack that recalled an ISIS-style execution.

Hundreds of horrified visitors to the Italian landmark looked on as the attacker held a kitchen knife to the neck of a 26-year-old woman and yelled 'Allah is great' and 'It is God that sends me'.

The man held Chiara Frisco hostage for several minutes as he yelled religious fanaticism at the crowd with police powerless to act.

One witness said: 'It seemed like a scene from ISIS.

'He made the girl get down on her knees like you see in the terrorists' videos, while he held a knife to her throat.

'The only thing missing was the orange jumpsuit.'

Others told Il Messaggero he was yelling 'incomprehensible things, but among them "Allah is great".'

[...] She told La Repubblica: 'I felt myself pulled suddenly into the middle of the crowd. Then I felt the blade of the knife that he was holding against me. I feared the worst would happen.

'I could not see the weapon. The whole attack lasted seconds but I felt a tremendous fear.

'The man was yelling like a maniac. Luckily the police came though.'

When the police arrived, the attacker ran off through the Forum packed with tourists towards the centre of Rome, piazza Venezia, where he was disarmed and arrested.
A policeman explained that with so many people around, they were afraid they'd shoot an innocent bystander by accident. It's miraculous that the girl survived. What this says is that even in Italy, danger from jihadists is lurking.

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