Friday, June 19, 2015


The African jihadist gang has murdered 38 people in a Nigerien village:
Many of the victims that were killed during the overnight attacks were women and children, according to the BBC. The news service quoted a Nigerien official who said that along with killing civilians, “the militants had burnt down several houses.” Boko Haram has yet to comment on the attack.

The Diffa region of Niger, which sits in the southeast of the country, borders Nigeria’s volatile Borno state. Boko Haram attacked this region back in February when it assaulted the town of Bosso. The militants were able to enter the town, however, Nigerien military officials said that its forces drove the attackers back, “killing 109.” That assault occurred just days after Boko Haram attacked the town of Fotokol in Cameroon, killing 70.
And all this while, western politicians sit around doing nothing while innocent lives are lost to these savages.

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