Wednesday, May 06, 2015

The Meaning of "Daesh" and Why Leftist Leaders Who Criticize Pamela Geller Are Completely Full of Shit

John Kerry and other Leftists insist on calling ISIS by the name of "Daesh", instead of the Islamic State or ISIS, as everyone else does?

Why is this?

Simple, because while the word "Daesh" is somehow an acronym for "Islamic State" in Arabic, the word "Daesh" also happens to mean "to crush or trample underfoot", as you do when you step on a piece of shit ...

... which is exactly what the Islamic State is.

So, here's the thing: The Lefties in our Administration, and the media groupie herd who continually fellate the President and all his underlings, they NEVER OBJECT TO THE USE OF THE WORD DAESH.

So why do they object to Pamela and her friends drawing cartoons?

How absurd?

They are total hypocrites. Absolute scum.

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