Wednesday, May 20, 2015


The otherwise wretched writer appears to be making a valid complaint about the tyranny of Boko Haram:

But, does he recognize the wheres and hows of the terrorist gang's ideologies? Because if he doesn't, then this is just one more issue he raises where he only takes a superficial view, all without acknowledging what kind of ideologies have led to these horrors.

And if this is really his standing, then is he sorry for the attack he wrote against Pamela Geller a few weeks ago? Because she's been speaking in defense of African victims of Boko Haram too, and Marz returns the favor by siding with those who'd declare her nothing more than filth? If he's not repentant about his attack on Geller, then that undermines his current statements. As does the following, in fact:

He's donated to a project run by an outfit that's now allowed human rights violators on their Human Rights Council? If he really cared, he wouldn't have anything to do with such an awful "business". There were scandals in recent years where UN aid workers were caught sexually abusing children. Supporting such a movement that's been so negligent in dealing with sexual abusers does nothing to ensure they'll ever take measures to make repairs for their image. I'm afraid Marz has once again made himself look absurd.

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