Sunday, May 03, 2015


A plaque dedicated to the memory of the French Jew murdered by a Muslim gang in Paris was vandalized (H/T: Jihad Watch):
The mayor of a Paris suburb has voiced his outrage after memorial plaque honoring Ilan Halimi – a young Jewish man tortured to death by a Muslim gang in 2006 – was desecrated by unidentified vandals.

The glass-and-stone plaque was found smashed at 18:00 on Saturday evening in Bagneux, a southern suburb of the French capital, according to Le Figaro, and has since been removed for repairs.

Bagneux mayor Marie-Hélène Amiable described the vandalism as “outrageous, unacceptable, I am extremely shocked.”
There was a report about 3 months ago that a memorial to the victims of the Charlie Hebdo bloodbath was vandalized too. That's another tactic of jihad - to desecrate memories.

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