Monday, May 25, 2015


While it may be added to a 6 year sentence in the Holyland case, 8 months is far too little:
Former prime minister Ehud Olmert on Monday was sentenced by the Jerusalem District Court to eight months of jail time on his conviction for fraud under aggravated circumstances in the Talansky retrial. The court also fined Olmert NIS 100,000.

Olmert lawyers appealed the sentence and the court agreed to their request to hold off the sentence for 45 days for time to appeal.

The former prime minister's lawyer Eyal Rozovsky told the media at the courthouse that he respects the court's decision but there were difficulties and mistakes in it.

"We tried convincing the court of the justice of our case. Olmert isn't happy. We wanted no jail time," Rozovsky said.
Yeah, they always want these convictions to carry no jail time. And they they'll probably appeal even this sentence to forestall his entry into the pokey for as long as possible. Hopefully, he'll end up in a cell for a change, but for now, he sure is trying to stay out as long as he can. An utterly disgraceful man Olmert is.

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