Wednesday, April 22, 2015


The parents of the Arab teenager who was murdered by some crazy Haredi yeshiva students last year don't want him recognized as an Israeli terror victim:
The family of Mohammed Abu Khder, the Arab youth who was cruelly murdered and burned by Jews last summer in a nationalist revenge attack, is reportedly angry that his name has been added to the list of terror victims recognized by the National Insurance Institute (NII), and that it appears at the Har Herzl memorial for terror victims.

"We do not want Mohammed added to this list,” unnamed family members reportedly told NRG. “We do not see ourselves as Israelis, but as Palestinians. We do not want recognition from the state of Israel or the National Insurance money. We want the three defendants who burned Mohammed to receive the proper punishment. The most serious punishment – only that will calm us down.”

[...] Terror victims' group Almagor is also angry at the news and demands that his name be removed from the memorial plaque at Har Hezrl and from the NII website. Almagor said that Abu Khder was not murdered as part of the struggle for Israel's existence but as a result of "the insanity of criminals."

"A random killing carried out by people whose sanity is in doubt cannot be compared to organized actions by states and enemy countries,” said Almagor.
So the parents of the boy are using the tragedy as an excuse for anti-Israelism. Very low, and very sad. The state did them a favor, and how do they thank? By declaring themselves denizens, and doing a further disservice to his memory.

Update: the boy's name was removed from the memorial.

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