Sunday, April 26, 2015


Capitol Hill's marked Israel's 67th Independence Day with special steps to oppose boycotts:
Both chambers of Congress marked Israel’s 67th Independence Day with action against efforts to boycott the state.

One day before the anniversary, the Senate Finance Committee unanimously agreed to attach an amendment to a bill that would “fast track” US President Barack Obama’s trade negotiations with Europe, which suggests any trade deal should discourage the EU from promoting boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel.

Fast-track authority allows the US president to negotiate trade agreements that still require the approval of Congress, but that Congress cannot amend.

Another Senate amendment passed a week ago would require the executive to report the participation of foreign companies in BDS activities.

“We may not agree with every Israeli policy, but we cannot allow our potential trading partners in the EU to fall prey to efforts that threaten Israel’s existence,” said Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Maryland), a member of the finance committee and ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “Economic tools and trade agreements have been used throughout world history to move governments and change policy, but when these actions seek to delegitimize a country’s right to exist, we need to draw a line.”
They also cannot allow them to turn their own countries into jihad zones, which is now the case in many parts of Europe. Should that happen, it would one day endanger America by having caliphates rise up in Europe, who could even build nuclear technology and be much closer to America, endangering it even more. All Americans who care should protest how European governments are turning their countries into war zones, and how they're failing to improve their own legal systems.

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