Sunday, April 26, 2015


Following the Holocaust Memorial at Bergen-Belsen, Ronald Lauder said:
World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder warned Sunday at the ceremony marking 70 years since the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany that history is in danger of repeating itself.

"Seventy years ago, the world was silent and now we are standing on one of the largest Jewish cemeteries in the world,” Lauder said. “We appear to be descending into the same hell today. Anti-Semitism is rising in Europe, neo-Nazi groups are sitting in Parliament in Hungary and Greece, and Iranian leaders repeatedly promise to wipe Israel from the pages of time. To shout against the past while remaining silent about the present is not just wrong; it is outrageous and immoral."
That's just the situation now when Islamofascism is on the rise: world governments vehemently refuse to touch upon the subject, and that's why we're headed for World War 4000.

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