Tuesday, March 10, 2015


It appears that while the Arab party list wouldn't participate in vote-sharing, Hanin Zoabi's now willing to recommend Yitzhak Herzog as premier to the president, Reuven Rivlin:
Zionist Union leader Isaac Herzog’s chances of becoming prime minister may have risen considerably Monday when Balad MK Haneen Zoabi said for the first time she could recommend to President Reuven Rivlin that Herzog form the next government.

[...] Joint List sources who spoke to Zoabi at length on Sunday and Monday revealed that she had been persuaded to back Herzog to Rivlin and would recommend doing so when their party meets with the president after the March 17 election. The sources said that after standing tough against the vote-sharing agreement, Balad would feel more comfortable giving in on the Herzog issue and backing him instead of the initial plan not to support anyone.
“The Joint List will do everything possible to ensure that Netanyahu will fall,” a Joint List source said. “At the right time the wise decision will be made.”
What are the chances Obama and/or the shady V15 group are behind her sudden change in position? I'd say they're very possible. Netanyahu himself said there's a worldwide effort being made to topple him, and this could easily be part of it. One more reason why I'm voting for the Likud and not for smaller parties in this election.

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