Monday, March 09, 2015


It looks like Netanyahu's speech had a positive effect after all, and that's what counts:
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that his speech to Congress may have influenced world powers seeking to sign a political framework deal with Iran by the end of the month to refrain from rushing into an agreement at any cost.

Last Tuesday, the Israeli premier warned a joint session of Congress that President Obama’s current strategy with Tehran could create a “nuclear nightmare” with a deal that would pave the way for a nuclear-armed Iran.

“After my speech to Congress, we heard over the weekend from the Foreign Ministers of a number of world powers that they are not compelled to reach a deal as soon as possible,” he said before his weekly cabinet meeting. "I hope these comments will be reflected in their actions.”

Netanyahu claimed victory after remarks made by U Secretary of State John Kerry on Saturday. Kerry admitted after talks with his French counterpart Laurent Fabius that he had no urgency on an Iran bargain given the U.S. “had to get the right deal.”
The only good deal would be one that collapses Iran's autocracy and brings back freedom for all, after all the awful results of the Ayatollah's takeover in 1979. That's the only way safety can be ensured in the region. It's good if the speech had some effect. No doubt, even in Europe, there's people who tuned in to listen, and they paid attention too, with good reason.

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