Friday, March 27, 2015


That's really the only thing where there's room for debate: is Obama incompetent or is he deliberately aiding and betting jihadists?

From north Africa through the middle east, through south Asia: jihadists have all improved their positions since Obama was sworn in.

NOWHERE in the world are they in retreat compared to where they were in 2009.

Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Mali, Yemen - are all under greater threat now than in 2009.

And Obama is about to make a deal with Iran which allows them to remain in violation of every prior IAEA and UNSC arrangement.

The results are too consistently in favor of global jihad to be the result of incompetence.

And Obama's overt efforts to hurt Israel should be the final "convincer" for all doubters:

With ISIS 18 miles from Israel's border, why is Obama putting the screws on them while bending over for Iran?

The simplest answer - the most elegant answer - the answer that passes Occam's Razor is that Obama is on the other side.

Obama is a traitor , not just to the USA, but to the entire West - to the Free World, to Judeo-Christian Civilization.

Obama is a clear and present danger to our nation, our allies - and all we hold dear.

We won't defeat the enemy until we make Obama irrelevant.

Congress had better grow some balls.

And Israel and Saudi Arabia and and Jordan and France and the Kurds should not hesitate to unite and take bold action.

The sooner the better.

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