Tuesday, March 10, 2015


In a positive step, authorities tore down an illegal Arab structure in Jerusalem funded by the EU:
Israeli authorities on Tuesday demolished an EU-funded illegal Arab settlement in Jerusalem, the European Union said, attacking the move.

"We condemn today's demolition of temporary shelters funded by the European Union... as part of its response to the needs of the affected communities," an EU statement said.
Well too bad, because that was criminal activity, and just proves what a disgrace they are, abusing taxes by the European public.
An expose by the Regavim NGO - first published last year by Arutz Sheva but later picked up by major UK outlet the Daily Mail in February of this year - revealed how EU funds have helped to pay for some 200 illegal buildings for Bedouin settlers in Judea and Samaria, just outside Jerusalem.

The EU funding, aimed at creating "facts on the ground", was denounced by an Israeli group as "European colonialism."

The structures demolished on Tuesday were small metal constructions put up on the outskirts of Arab neighborhood Issawiya, an AFP correspondent said.

The area was empty of residents following the demolition by bulldozer.
Sure doesn't sound like they really cared about the building to start with. And that's actually good.

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