Friday, March 06, 2015


This one took place near a border patrol police HQ at the Simon the Just neighborhood:
ZAKA reported Friday morning that a rampage terror attack occurred a short time ago near the Border Patrol's base in the Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood in Jerusalem.

A police statement clarified that the Arab terrorist attack was conducted in a private car that approached the base from Zaks Junction before going up on the sidewalk and running over five people, of whom four were from the security forces.

The suspect continued driving but was shot by forces stationed at the gate of the base, at which point he got out of the car with a knife apparently in his hand.

He was shot by officers and serious wounded, after which he was evacuated to the hospital for medical treatment.

"A young man rammed his car (into pedestrians), and then got out and tried to stab people" before being shot and wounded by an armed security guard, police spokeswoman Luba Samri said in a statement.

"Four people were injured," she added. Three policewomen were among the injured and listed in mild to moderate condition. The terrorist is listed in serious condition and is being treated at Hadassah Ein Kerem medical center.
If the terrorist dies, he'll deserve it. And for now, he should be refused any access to Korans and Hadiths, since that's where he gets his twisted mindset from.

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