Monday, February 09, 2015


Netanyahu himself spoke out against the leftist paper and its publisher, Noni Moses, on Twitter:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu launched a targeted offensive on Monday against the daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth and its publisher Arnon (Noni) Mozes.

"The time has come to put things on the table: The main source behind the wave of slanderous allegations against me and my wife is Noni Mozes, the publisher of Yedioth Ahronoth and its subsidiary website Ynet," Netanyahu wrote on his Facebook page.

"[Mozes] has no qualms about using every possible means to topple the Likud government, headed by me, to shut down Israel Hayom, and to restore Yedioth Ahronoth's aggressive hegemony over print media," he wrote.

"In recent weeks, the attacks against me are no longer relegated to appearing only once a day, in the morning when the newspaper is distributed. Now they are being made almost every hour, and sometimes twice an hour, on Ynet. These two vehicles initiate and carefully time the publication of ridiculous, false, and persistent allegations against me and my wife as part of a media campaign to replace the government and restore Noni Mozes' stranglehold on the media market."
The attacks Moses wrote - including one where he accused Sara Netanyahu of pocking money made on returned bottles - were incredibly petty and present a very poor example of how to conduct journalism. And any role Moses played in trying to damage Israel Hayom was reprehensible too. His paper does not deserve your hard earned money, nor does his website deserve any audience. Even I link to them as sparingly as possible now, because they're getting pretty dreary to boot.

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