Monday, February 09, 2015


More shootings have taken place in France in the portside city of Marseille, which has a large Muslim/Arab population, but this article minimizes it to drug trafficking wars:
French police sealed off a housing estate in Marseille on Monday after hooded gunmen opened fire on a police car with Kalashnikov rifles in what a senior local official suggested was an incident related to drug crime.

France has been on high alert following Islamist attacks in Paris last month that killed 17 people. Last week, two soldiers protecting a Jewish organization and radio station were wounded in a knife attack in the city of Nice.

The shooting in Marseille happened just as Prime Minister Manuel Valls arrived for a scheduled visit to hail statistics showing a fall in crime in France's second largest city. There was no immediate information on whether there had been victims.

Elite police deployed following the incident on the north side of the city and residents of La Castellane neighbourhood, home to some 7,000, were ordered to stay indoors. A creche was evacuated as troops from the GIPN special forces unit were sent into the sealed-off estate, a police source said by telephone.
While drug cartels are undoubtably present in Marseille, let's consider what kind of mindsets they could belong to, just like the terrorist who attacked with a knife. That's just what the cowards running the government now don't have the guts to do.

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